The Electronic Education Initiative (e-DON) program is an international organization registered in both the United States (as a 501-C) and in Nigeria.

We use multi-media technology to enhance linkages between academic and non-academic institutions around the world. Our program utilizes live video conferencing to link local institutions of higher learning (Universities, Polytechnics and Colleges of Education) in developing countries with Institutions of higher learning in developed nations like the United States by, creating environments for live interactive streaming lectures, seminars and other related short courses as needed by the Institutions.


Identify key subjects that require additional support


Match Identified needs with available partners in the USA or Europe


Get all parties to agree on the time-table and deliver



Our organization has partnered with various higher institutions of learning in Africa starting with the West African country of Nigeria (The largest black nation on the Continent) which was the program's pilot developing country. We worked closely with their Faculty and the School’s Administrative Staff, to identify key subjects and lectures to complement the Institution’s already existing curriculum. e-Don bridges the introducing current information from faculties around the world into the local classroom using technology(live video connectivity) facilitators from colleges across the Atlantic can teach anywhere and everywhere by the click of a mouse.


Renewable/Alternate Energy

The e-DON Initiative is partnering with several institutions across the United States with backgrounds in Alternate energy, Biotechnology and Nanotechnology. The goal is not just to enhance but to empower the population in the developing world getting them ready to energize the next generation and power up their communities with clean renewable energy/power sources. If you run a business/organization or a company and you are interested in organizing a live certificate program for your staff and or management contact us by email or by phone and see how we can save you so much money in avoiding the costs associated with travel and accommodation by maximizing technology within your community eliminating the hassle of visa and embassy needs as well as security and airline costs.

Oil and Gas

Oil and Gas

Just like the Alternate Energy Sector we work with schools and facilitators in the oil and gas industry that can train entry-level and mid-management staff in the oil and gas sector to eliminate costs associated with travel. while bringing these facilitators to your centre for hands-on training to complement any and all virtual classes and modules that were taken prior to the participants receiving their certificates allowing them to be fully certified technicians by the Standard of the coordinating institution and oil and gas company organizing the job training. If you run a business/organization or a company and you are interested in organizing a live certificate program for your staff and or management contact us by email or by phone and see how we can save you so much money in avoiding the costs associated with travel and accommodation by maximizing technology within your community eliminating the hassle of visa and embassy needs as well as security and airline costs.



As life progresses so does its ability for change and change in all facets. Technology has enhanced and changed over time how the world views and coordinates its food harvesting, conserving and processing as well as animal husbandry. That being said it is important to share this information across the state, national and international lines giving farmers, cattle herders and agro-businessmen and women new and modern information on Agricultural methods, techniques and tools. In addition to college to college student/faculty training programs, we encourage businesses and farmer cooperatives to take advantage of modern classroom technology and also get trained via multi-media systems. If you run a business/organization or a company and you are interested in organizing a live certificate program for your staff and or management contact us by email or by phone and see how we can save you so much money in avoiding the costs associated with travel and accommodation by maximizing technology within your community eliminating the hassle of visa and embassy needs as well as security and airline costs.



In addition to multi-media linkages, training and facilitating certification programs the e-DON Initiative works as international consultants on grant programs in the developing countries particularly on the African and South American Continent. If you are looking for admission into colleges in the United States from African communities or across the world. Or if your a private company/business or a non for profit (NGO) looking to do business/works/invest or carry out a grant program in developing nations and need some hands or legs on ground to get some linkages and face to face. We can assist in getting some manpower and different levels pending on your needs assessment. Send us an email with an overview and we will can schedule a conference phone meeting with one of our Snr. team members who will contact you.

Consulting E-Don



Global Universities and Polytechnics


Federal Level Partners




Global Collaborations