Testaments to our initiative

University Faculty and Global Organization partners

Congratulations on the success of a worthy project which has given rise to the pilot phase of the 1st linkage class between Nigeria and the united states. It is my prayer that the program is extended to other institutions of learning in Nigeria.

Late Senator Uche Chukwumerije

Fmr Chairman Senate Committee on Education
"...I am keen to help if that proves possible. My expertise is in some forms of semiconductor physics, electronics and optoelectronics, and I have a secondary interest in the efficient use of energy in buildings...."

Professor Michael J Kelly ScD FRS FREng (Prince Philip Professor of Technology)

University of Cambridge, Department of Engineering
"...The programme brought over 80 students from the faculty Agriculture and Botany in a direct lecture and interaction with lecturers of Lincoln University, Missouri, USA through live-video conferencing..."

Omotowa E.B. (Mrs)

Director, Educational Planning, Research & Development Department (For Honourable Minister of Education)
"A good and laudable program the e-DON initiative should and will be supported. My congratulations to the faciliators for putting the youth of Nigeria and indeed the entire developing world in the forefront of tehri thoughts in making our society a better place. Enhancing education through technology is definitely one of the many avenues to enhance future job growth and developing man power/skill to a global competitive scale."

Rt. Hon Aminu Suleiman

Chairman House Committee on Tertiary Education (Nigeria)
I am proud to support this initiative to expand and enhance education programs to developing countries giving opportunities to students and faculty to interact this will be a life changing opportunity for many youths who comes from backgrounds unable to afford to costs of foreign school tuition as well as the cultural and migration changes to each child or person who moves in search of better education.

Late Congressman Ike Skelton

Chairman, House Committee on Armed Services United States
The Electronic Education Program (e-DON) is good and I see how and where UNESCO and the initiative can collaborate to expand both faculty and student population reach. looking forward to furthering productive collaborations for all parties.

Ms. Hassmik Tortian

Snr Higher Education Specialist United Nations Education Scientific and Cultural Organization
I participated in one of the e-DON Program Workshops to train mid-management staff on pension reform it was a great experience and I look forward to future programs in oil and gas possibly.

Ms. Amina Mohammed

An outstanding concept idea that has proved very practical. The e-DON Program has shown that there was a truly a need and a gap that needed to fill. the initiative has steadily grown and is making progress across the African continent achieving its set goals. From all indications with the right support, funding and continuity the program will be the next frontier of enhancing and closing the gap in the educational disparage between institutions in developed countries and those in the developing world. We will continue to support this initiative by way of academic resources to faculty and course material amongst other needs.

Dr Gabriel Malfatti-Rachell

Director International Inter-Cultural Affairs at university of Missouri
I facilitated one of the 1st programs to the University of Benin in Nigeria and didn't know what to expert but the program indeed showcased an African student class ready to engage. I believe with a larger module and faculty base to reach more schools and student population across the developing world the programs goal to achieve borderless classrooms will indeed be something viable in the not too distant future. A very sound project program. A WIN WIN for all parties.

Dr. Jaime Pinero

Integrated Pest Management Expert, University of Massachusetts USA
Being a part of the Nigeria Diaspora based in the United States have opportunities to engage students and faculty via video conferencing is a very welcome opportunity that many in the tertiary system world like to take advantage of. I welcome this program and give kudos to its organizers. I look forward to when focus programs and courses are requested from experts and academics of the diaspora. Very well done to the e-don and its partners.

Dr. Albert Ayeni

Department of Plant Biology Rutgers University New Jersey, USA
I was pleased to meet with the Coordinator of the e-DON Initiative and looks forward to furthering collaborations on the initiative as it relates to facilitating training, seminars, conferences and certification. the use of technology to enhance classroom linkages is laudable and we look forward to bringing the partnership with e-DON stronger to enhance education across the world.

Ms. Nancy Overholt

The institute of International Education
A laudable program kudos to the e-DON Team as we look forward to the program's expansion across the country and appreciate Nigeria being the first country on the continent to receive and benefit from the Electronic Education Program.

Committee of Vice Chancellors

It is good to see great ideas materialize to be functional programs set up to empower and enhance our education, learning and teaching community, particularly on a global scale. This program has what it takes to give the developing world not just the continent of Africa options on how to educate it people on an international scale without the worries associated with the brain drain syndrome as well as utilizing the African diaspora to be of benefit to their motherland. Training low and mid-management, as well as experts in the field of oil and gas, is always tedious and expensive when considering what entails for travel and accommodation but this initiative (e-DON) assists by bringing technocrats, experts and facilitators to your community by virtue of the technology used (multi-media). I hope this initiative spreads across Nigeria, African and indeed the world.

(Late) Prof. Elijah Tamuno Iyagba

Fmr. Rector Federal Polytechnic for Petroleum Resources. Bonny Island


It as a wonderful programme as it had afforded me the opportunity to hear first-hand from a professor at Lincoln University, USA, via words, pictures and practical demonstrations.

Obaka Odafisamon

Final Year., Dept. of Biochemistry , Faculty of Live Sciences. University of Benin
I gained a lot of knowledge about nanotechnology and from the teaching technique which was obviously different from the one we are used to in our classroom.

"This one makes it much easier to understand the concept and very interesting to learn. It is not like the normal boring lecturers we are used to in our classrooms. It is easier to follow the lecturer, basically",

Kelechi Temitope

Final Year, Dept of Biochemistry , Faculty of Live Sciences. University of Benin
I loved the program being able to interact with students across the world was awesome for me being from the Caribbean and living in the United States and connecting with students with Africa live via multi-media was a once in a lifetime opportunity that I couldn't pass up. I hope it is sustained it gives students on both sides of the Atlantic an opportunity to learn and interact. Enhancing both the students' minds and their global scope of the subject matter.

Ms. Nesa Paul

Lincoln University Business administration (Graduate) USA
A great program I hope it is sustained and everyone gets t benefit. I enjoyed it and hope it is opened up to everyone and not just students so I can come back and take programs and courses even as a graduate and not just for undergraduates.

Abraham A. Osa-Ogbegie

Graduate of Forestry and Wildlife (Agriculture) UNIBEN Nigeria West Africa
It was very interesting and different from what we are used to, can it be made to be permanent so all students can achieve an international course program before they graduate? Consider this, please.

Murtala Musa

Graduate, Life Science Ahmadu Bello University Nigeria West Africa